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Gain inspiration and focus in your life! God is calling you to a unique purpose in life, a work of love that only you can do. Look back over your life and see how God has used you already and what God may be drawing you to now. Discover and recognize your own charisms (spiritual gifts) and experience the joy that comes from embracing them more fully.
There are 3 parts to the Called & Gifted Discernment Process.
- Called & Gifted Workshop, in person option or the couse can also be done as an Online Self-Study. The workshop includes a total of 6 hours of video teachings about charisms & offers tools to help you discern the presence of charisms in your life. The workshop includes taking a spiritual gifts inventory quiz.
- 1 Hour Spiritual Gifts Interview with a local Called & Gifted Trained Interviewer (included in program registration, an invaluable part of the discernment process!)
- Optional Discernment in Depth - 4 small group meetings for discerning your charisms with a small group.
The Catherine of Siena Institute charges $69 which includes online access videos, the spiritual gifts inventory, workbook, and gifts interview. Please pay as much as you can to cover the cost.
Contact Dawn Grabs for more information or questions at 913-259-4801 or dgrabs@spxmission.org.
St. Pius X Catholic Church -- 5500 Woodson Rd. Mission, KS 66202 -- spx@spxmission.org -- 913-432-4808